So, your thinking about purchasing an air bag kit and are seeing on-board air compressor kits in all different price ranges and with a ton of different options. Do I need one? Can I use my air bags without an air compressor?
Do I need an an air compressor kit?
The short answer for all air bag manufacturers is "No". All Air Lift, Firestone and Hellwig air bag kits come with manual inflation valves which allow you to inflate the air bags the same way you would a car tire.
The inflation valves can be installed anywhere on your vehicle. The most common place for trucks and SUV's is on the back bumper or front bumper for motorhome front kits. The air bag kits come with 2 inflation valves that allow you to inflate your air springs individually. It is vary common to use a "T" fitting and run one inflation valve so both bags are inflated individually. All air bag kits use 1/4 inch air line tubing, part 3025 is the go to "T" fitting for single inflation.

Is it recommend to use an air compressor kit with my air bags?
Air compressor kits are not required to run air bags, but are a very nice convenience and in many cases extend the life of your air bag kit. The number one cause of failure for air bag kits is running them without the minimum air pressure. Not towing for awhile or hauling a heavy load? It's common for people to forget about the air bags and in doing so, forget about the minimum air pressure they require. An air compressor kit gives you constant monitoring from inside of your cab which takes the 'work' out of maintaining the optimal air pressure in your air bags.